About me

First of all, hello and welcome to my website!

My name is Noe Rodriguez and I am a Mexican expat living in Waukesha, WI USA.

People around here have no idea how to pronounce my name correctly, so most of the time I go by Noah, that’s where I get the awesome name for my blog. Also from Juan Gabriel’s song.

As an immigrant, I learn a lot about the American culture every day, and because of that, you will find in this space lots of posts about how I’m adapting to this culture and also all the cool things that I learn from being a first time parent and a homeowner.

I’m also a foodie, so I’ll try to add reviews from the restaurants I visit around here. Please don’t be surprised if you see thousands of pictures food in here.

Finally, I’m a geek at heart, so there will be posts about computers and technology in general.